Friday, June 27, 2008

Thoughts from a truthful heart

Every now and then I wonder what my life will become.
Will I just be another number on a list, or will I be remembered for something?

I just came home from Pitstop 08. It was a festival that changed something deep inside the walls of my heart.
I think that now, more than ever, I am certain that I was placed in this world for a purpose; to make a difference, and to really be a lifesaver.

I have loads of dreams and visions for my future, but the thing that really hit me during this festival was that I can make a difference. If I just dare to believe that I can, and I do.

Do you believe?

I've heard the sound that ears bleed to hear.
The sound of a place the universe awaits.
A passion so powerful that the walls crumble to their foundations.
Here the strongest fall to their knees.

We get news for you.
The day will come, where turning your back is no longer an option.
Keep telling yourself what you don't believe,
you can compromise what you know to be true,
but in the end you'll see
that NOTHING can stand between a man and his maker.